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Category: Emergency Back-up Power Systems

Here’s why your business SHOULD invest in an emergency back-up system

The 2003 London blackout brought the capital’s rail network to a standstill and its bus replacement services into gridlock. The London Underground happened to have replaced its last independent generators in favour of grid power just a few months earlier. Commuters were trapped aboard trains, inside tunnels and the buses were equally useless because of traffic light failure. The lesson? Important infrastructure and private business should always adequately invest in back-up power systems and be prepared to deal with the fallout of a power outage. Businesses that need emergency back-up systems The following are businesses that should always have back-up generators…

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How do Emergency Back-up Power Systems Work?

There is no escaping the fact that homes and businesses rely on electricity. However few of us consider that the grid delivering the electricity to our home or workplace can fail quite easily. Every year heavy floods, snow storms and hurricane force winds leave thousands of homes and businesses without electricity for several days or even weeks. It is not only the weather that causes problems. Routine maintenance such as the renewal of transformers, or accidents such as a truck demolishing overhead cables can cause disruption to power supplies. Power failure can be very expensive to businesses and households, and can…

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